A young man with red hair, a wide smile, and deep-set dark blue eyes.

Audio Description Services

Hudson Therriault, Certified Audio Describer
(406) 284-5440 | HJTDescriptions@gmail.com

The HJT Descriptions logo: overlapping letters H, J, and T in blue, orange, and yellow, respectively.

What is AD?

Audio description (AD) is the translation of visual media into a listenable format. It is the principal tool for providing equal access to cultural & artistic experiences for people living with visual impairment.

Certified AD Services

  • AD for live performances (theatre, dance, presentations, etc.)

  • AD for individual artworks or complete art exhibitions

  • Extemporaneous AD for no-prep events

  • Sighted guiding services

  • AD Listening Devices for any venue

  • AD script writing for digital media

  • Voice-over recordings

  • Audio editing & media integration

Who is Hudson?

Hudson James Therriault is a trained and certified audio describer based in Chicago. He is a theatremaker and musician passionate about building access for all into the foundation of artistic expression.

Recent Work


Phone: (406) 284-5440Email: HJTDescriptions@gmail.com